Long-winded in a sentence as an adjective

A bit long-winded, but totally realistic about the current prospects.

Nobody wants to read a long-winded discussion of the problems here, but everybody will click on "The police are checking your underwear every night using your iPad!

" I decided that any more long-winded explanation of my reasons for departure would be lost on a person like the President, so I put all those reasons in a Glassdoor review of the place.

Nor am I sure what the first several long-winded pages add - they don't demonstrate a concrete problem, yet they are referenced to several times with the words 'as demonstrated by the story in the beginning, ...'.

Also, collapsing comment trees would be great so as to avoid having to scroll past dozens of comments in a long-winded discussion of something only tangentially-related to the submission.

Long-winded definitions


using or containing too many words; "long-winded (or windy) speakers"; "verbose and ineffective instructional methods"; "newspapers of the day printed long wordy editorials"; "proceedings were delayed by wordy disputes"

See also: tedious verbose windy wordy