Words in a sentence as a noun

That's 59,568 words, plus a few thousand more for intro sections.

[2] Again, you might not mean to reference that when you use words like "brogrammer".

Four words, such a concise summary of my attitude!

Some teams were super-sharp, others were sloppy beyond words.

Every morning in the shower, I utter the words "I am so ******* tired.

In other words, it should be a lot harder to "Accept" these profiles outside an enterprise setting, because it sounds exploitable.

This article is only on the front page of HN because of its author and it bears remembering how Putin's actions have spoken far louder than his words.

In other words, your lower overall rating was not necessarily due to your increased surveillance of plagiarism; it could have been due to other factors.

How would you get to this page without knowing what ssh is, and how would you know what ssh is without needing to use it?Anyway, a lot of happy-sounding words for ... a program that decrypts text from the Internet and writes it to the screen.

How can I take the article seriously when it says that "GitHub has been embroiled in a series of diversity controversies, such as programmers adding racial and sexist slurs into their code", which links to an article where someone took GitHub search and found random people putting bad words into their public repos?This author can't seem to distinguish between the code employees at GitHub write, and code users put onto GitHub.

Some of these words, like "measure" or "continuous" make some intuitive sense, but how can "measure" be "continuous" with respect to some other measure, and what the **** is Lebesgue measure anyway?Now, if you're a mathematician, you know that Lebesgue measure in simple cases is just a natural notion of area or volume, but you also know that it's very useful to be able to measure much more complicated sets than just rectangles, polyhedrals, balls, and other similar regular shapes.

Words definitions


the words that are spoken; "I listened to his words very closely"


the text of a popular song or musical-comedy number; "his compositions always started with the lyrics"; "he wrote both words and music"; "the song uses colloquial language"

See also: lyric language


language that is spoken or written; "he has a gift for words"; "she put her thoughts into words"


an angry dispute; "they had a quarrel"; "they had words"

See also: quarrel wrangle run-in dustup


words making up the dialogue of a play; "the actor forgot his speech"

See also: speech