Periphery in a sentence as a noun

You're arguing against the periphery of his point.

The one about New York from about a month ago is a lot more clear - rich center, poor periphery.

In that case, it would be interesting to know if iOS allows fast raw access to the external periphery.

"What ARM calls ARM related periphery is canonical, whether you think it's silly or not."And why, exactly, should I care?

Most Webpages with ads aren't a commercial and then the content, it's the content with the commercials at the periphery of your vision.

They had installed phone handsets all over the periphery and aisles of the room so that anyone could easily stop a briefing to ask a question.

From my limited experience - I'm at best on the periphery of dealing with AWS support; I can characterize aws support as such -Free tier - occasionally get answers.

"Center-periphery" dynamics is the common term in geopolitics for dissent dynamics driven by movement inside/outside a core.

HBO first started toying around with original content and series in the early 1990s but it wasn't until Larry Sanders that the show really started to resonate beyond the periphery.

By the time a meme makes it to facebook it's been largely stripped of its participatory power and becomes a one-way medium, but that's just at the periphery of the meme-propogation, the people that just consume it with their electronic feed tubes.

Periphery definitions


the outside boundary or surface of something

See also: fringe