Wilting in a sentence as a noun

It leaves Russia wilting in contrast, they've become a second tier power.

Our basil always ends up wilting - I almost suspect that we're not eating it fast enough.

That post is more about audiences who, when men and women talk and cuss the same, are shocked, wilting like flowers.

> That post is more about audiences who, when men and women talk and cuss the same, are shocked, wilting like flowers.

Jesus H. Christ, these wilting flowers are never going to accomplish anything in life.

Scientists can be as dogmatic as anyone else — but their dogma is always wilting in the hot glare of new research.

I have not experienced wilting lettuce, "gelling" tomatoes or carrots that have been left too long at CFA.

I think it's probably more of a case of a noxious wilting blight disease called bureaucracy.

When you start to get your finger on the pulse of possibility, you're able to see blooming solutions where others only see wilting dead-ends.

Even a well perserved cabinet has a bit of fading and wilting of the marquees and screen frame by now, not to mention the sides and control surfaces.

If you're such a wilting flower that some nebulous "not feeling welcome" is enough to keep you out of the industry, how can you possibly deal with problems on the job?

Steve discovered him languishing in Apple's Industrial Design labs, creatively wilting, dying to be set loose on something daring.

I keep waiting on fully commiting to either Vue or React, to see which might end up dominating so I don't have to waste a lot of time on the one that will likely end up wilting.

When the stores first open they tend to have really great produce, then after six weeks or so everything falls off, and your left with overripe/wilting produce, and the fruit flys are like a plague.

You aren't a wilting flower, you are the product of billions of generations of organisms that survived, all of which except maybe the last three generations lived in a radically dirtier world than you do. I'm really not that worried about ppb pharmaceuticals in my water; if I'm going to go that route I'm going to finger my food for things like hormones and antibiotics long before my water.

If one stops viewing startups as $$$ opportunities and starts viewing them as rehab from the soulless corporate jobs full of soul-wilting mediocrity, politics, legacy, same old **** over and over, and backstabbing, then it might make a kind of sense to work at a startup instead.

Don't think the average bag/box of fruit/vegetables at Costco is acceptable, for extended periods even in California one has to carefully inspect leafy vegetables/berries to make sure the stuff hasn't started wilting/molding already, otherwise much of the savings in quantity buying is gone by wasteage.

When I buy potatoes weekly I might look at 10 bags before I find one that doesn't look like ****, spinach/kale/greens I look at the best buy dates because they need to last me a week until the next visit, peppers I don't want to see a single wrinkle on because I want them to be good for more than a day or two, if some green onions are already wilting I don't want them, bananas I want a bunch that is all green and a bunch that the bananas still have a decent amount of green so that I have bananas for the entire week.

Wilting definitions


causing to become limp or drooping

See also: wilt