Nebulous in a sentence as an adjective

The announcement is rather nebulous, as is their way.

Yes, I've read the nebulous quotes about "part of the sim happening in the cloud.

I'm struggling to see how anyone is worse off here, except through the nebulous reasoning that 'making things easy' makes people careless.

Oh boy, where to start...First of all, death is a really nebulous concept when you understand physiology at the cellular level.

What I've seen are the kind of nebulous, policy-based arguments warning about social harm that might have flown in 1970, but are unlikely to do so in 2013.

'Freedom' in this case being a nebulous concept that translates on-the-ground into something like 'able to load up porn apps on your phone if you want to'.

"A: "Wait... did you just tell me to go spend thirty hours banging my head against solid objects, in exchange for nebulous benefits that I can't even perceive yet?

But no powerful litigant ever bets solely on how a court might interpret some nebulous body of law such as what constitutes patentable subject matter.

* You can "discount" the signals you get from the interview, particular w/r/t already nebulous concepts like "confidence", "social skill", "enthusiasm", and the dreaded "culture fit".

Nebulous definitions


lacking definite form or limits; "gropes among cloudy issues toward a feeble conclusion"- H.T.Moore; "nebulous distinction between pride and conceit"

See also: cloudy nebulose


of or relating to or resembling a nebula; "the nebular hypothesis of the origin of the solar system"

See also: nebular


lacking definition or definite content; "nebulous reasons"; "unfixed as were her general notions of what men ought to be"- Jane Austen

See also: unfixed