Weirdo in a sentence as a noun

If you're lucky you get the "odd weirdo" label.

When will people get tired of seeing Depp playing a weirdo?

Maybe I'm the weirdo, but I think that's an extremely useful results page.

To me this is a bit like some weirdo government still freaking out about Rock 'n Roll and Punk Rockers.

So many hacker types dismiss you as some sort of weirdo for favoring anything that came from Microsoft.

It makes me miss the old silicon valley where every other person was a weirdo who never even went to college.

But, most people don't have any weirdo academic objections, so they go through the regular process and everything is fine, 99% of the time.

Usually by the time they are fixed, people have forgotten the initial shock, but they still remember that you are the one weirdo who always seems to break everything.

Elon Musk is a weirdo and natural introvert who forces himself to be an extrovert to be able to do the interesting and unique things he wants and needs to do in life.

Or maybe just move to some cheap developing nation and become some sort of ex-pat weirdo guy?Another aspect of this, is that it seems kind of weird to even get a job stocking shelves at target, or something.

I know lots of Burning Man/weirdo artist types who work hard, care about their neighbors, and manage to express their political views without slinging bricks through windows or justifying intimidation by calling it 'direct action.

Paint Snowden like a weirdo, ask softball question after softball question, give vague hints about the scary threats that deem this all necessary, and blindly trust the answers of the guy in charge of the entire operation, as if he had no incentive whatsoever to mislead anyone.

In my case, as my depression and anxiety issues started going away, I suddenly realized how much of a complete weirdo others must see me as and felt shame comparing myself to others in my peer group who, without depression holding them back, have become much more successful.

Some bored member of staff just didn't like the look of this American weirdo with a video camera for an eye, a piece of paper that he waves around and an attitude that he is entitled to buffer everything he sees anywhere in the world and then publicly blame an entire multinational for a minor, local incident.

Weirdo definitions


someone unpleasantly strange or eccentric

See also: creep weirdie weirdy spook


someone deranged and possibly dangerous

See also: crazy loony looney nutcase