Nutcase in a sentence as a noun

It isn't their job to accommodate every nutcase that comes through the door.

Just a few nutcase cultists who got lucky with a single attack that they couldn't sustain.

Did we learn from that AT ALL or just anytime we don't like a theory we will call that person a tin foil hat wearing nutcase?

"We do need periodic reminders that Thomas Jefferson could be a total nutcase, so thanks for that.

I can assume the worse and conclude they send 999 requests every 6 months, but then I'd be a conspiracy-nutcase.

I'm just glad that some nutcase in real life didn't go off on him and he went to the police himself to clear his name before anything bad happened to him.

Did we learn from that AT ALL or just anytime we don't like a theory we will call that person a tin foil hat wearing nutcase?The NSA is a different case.

Are we talking about the same US that tried to extradite Richard O'Dwyer over some copyright bs or nutcase Gary McKinnon?

Oh come on, if every religious person or institution has to condemn every nutcase who spells "God" the same, there'd be no time left to eat.

One nutcase admiral on the German side got them all into navy building leading to disaster WRT the natural alliance.

But if you send enough extortion letters, eventually you'll roll over a nutcase like a landmine and life will get "interesting" after that.

He is a nutcase like all the other Pak Army/ISI agents who dream about the demise of India, no matter if they burn their homeland to ashes in the process.

There's an occasional nutcase with a gun and who doesn't give up and he might be surrounded for hours or even days but even those cases rarely escalate to an actual firefight with the police.

Until one nutcase or agent-provocateur in the crowd returns fire, then we have a nice little fire-fight in the midst of a load of innocents with automatic weapons and sniper rifles.

Your position is an ideological one, which is probably the reason you feel comfortable being sarcastic, calling arguments based in law "religious" and referring to people as "nutcase", etc.

There is no benefit for avoiding use of semicolons other than not writing semicolons, whereas there are several detriments for their omission.> It gives Twitter, or whatever other start up, an opportunity to replace an outdated piece of software by a nut case!I don't know where this ad-hominem is coming from, but Douglas Crockford is hardly a nutcase.

For the last Presidential election, the only sentiments you could really express with your vote were, "I favor half-assed health care reform and an extreme overemphasis on combating terrorism in both domestic and foreign policy", "I favor a slightly different half-assed health care reform and an extreme overemphasis on combating terrorism in both domestic and foreign policy", "I am a complete nutcase", or "I hate them all".

Nutcase definitions


someone deranged and possibly dangerous

See also: crazy loony looney weirdo