Punk in a sentence as a noun

The punks I've known are much more well-read and just as bright as the grad students I spend time with now.

I've hung out in tons of squats and punk houses, and briefly been a street kid, but I got a 2380 on my SATs.

Sort of like punk rock or emo or neon colors or television.

But, I found out I could take loans and moved to the artist neighborhood - punk rock, dating and beer helped.

As someone who drinks but gets to meet a lot of 'straight edge' people since I get involved in the punk scene and have been for quite a while.

Punk in a sentence as an adjective

I spent 5 minutes typing in a thoughtful idea and making it fit within 150 characters and got back "eat vegemite and cheese" - I feel like I got punk'd.

There is quite a chasm between the flower child from Novato coming down for the weekend to trade peace patches for shrooms and the addict gutter punk types who live there permanently.

> but it was an extreme abuse of power by a cop exerting his authority over what was genuinely a punk-kid; and I just wasn't in a position to do anything about itThis brought up a big one for me.

As the book points out, introversion and extroversion can be determined very early in life, she mentions a study where infants who were more reactive to stimulus turned out to be introverts and infants who were chill turned out to be extroverts:-------“The four-month-olds who thrashed their arms like punk rockers did so not because they were extroverts in the making, but because their little bodies reacted strongly—they were “high-reactive”—to new sights, sounds, and smells,” Cain writes.

Punk definitions


an aggressive and violent young criminal

See also: hood hoodlum goon thug tough toughie strong-armer


substance that smolders when ignited; used to light fuses (especially fireworks)


material for starting a fire

See also: kindling tinder touchwood spunk


a teenager or young adult who is a performer (or enthusiast) of punk rock and a member of the punk youth subculture


rock music with deliberately offensive lyrics expressing anger and social alienation; in part a reaction against progressive rock


of very poor quality; flimsy

See also: cheap cheesy chintzy crummy sleazy tinny