Viscous in a sentence as an adjective

The gremlin that is low Re, viscous drag.

At small enough scales -- and this is one of them -- air is not just a fluid, it is a viscous fluid.

It is milky and viscous, almost like yogurt in a fat syringe.

At Borrower scales, water is more viscous than we perceive it, and their soup and tea become thick gels.

It's less viscous but pouring gravel into a hole and covering it can't take that much longer.

It would look like a rock but turn into a viscous liquid as soon as you try to hit the nail and the nails get stuck in it.

This is similar to the action of viscous forces felt by particles moving through any thick liquid.

Opinions tend to be quite viscous, it takes a lot of energy applied over a long period of time to change a view point.

Outside of a few folks, like Brooks, the media is just being inept and lazy, not viscous and conspiratorial.

Instead it piles up into sharp discontinuities called shocks, with very low pressure regions behind the shocks. This produces a lot of drag, several times more than that due to viscous drag alone.

The 'hot glue' is thin enough and needs to be hot enough to let you 'float' what you're drawing in mid air, hot glue would stay viscous for too long to let that happen.

"Over several decades a number of drips did form in the funnel and fall into the jar, giving credence to the hypothesis that pitch is indeed viscous.

The annoying thing with CFD with analyzing viscous phenomena is the question of reproducibility.

The apparent bounce may correspond to a simulation of a viscous or elastic ball having momentum in a first direction striking an immovable and/or inelastic object, such as a wall.

Viscous definitions


having a relatively high resistance to flow

See also: syrupy


having the sticky properties of an adhesive

See also: gluey glutinous gummy mucilaginous pasty sticky viscid