Glutinous in a sentence as an adjective

You could even pound the rice into glutinous rice cakes for dessert!

You can find glutinous outliers like this anywhere if you look.

I wonder if you're less susceptible to glutinous desires too.

They thought it was from coffee/soda, but I now know that's not right, from personal experience with glutinous foods.

I know what glutinous rice is. It's just the propensity to describe the parts of grains that are 'sticky' as 'gluten,' and then to have one of them actually officially named 'gluten' that becomes confusing.

The west and the tech centers in particular is really rather blinded by the glutinous bandwidth that keeps eating up greater and greater amounts of data with only marginal improvements in outcome or user experience.

Glutinous definitions


having the sticky properties of an adhesive

See also: gluey gummy mucilaginous pasty sticky viscid viscous