Gummy in a sentence as an adjective

The only defacto power she has is to steal my gummy worms off my desk.

I own a new Nexus 7 and its interface still feels gummy and slow compared to my 3 year old iPhone 4S.

Then I saw the YouTube videos starting to surface with people using gummy bears to defeat them.

It had a transparent plastic sticker on it that would not come off, without leaving a gummy stain.

Chances are that anybody can make their own fake finger with gummy bears and a print found on the glossy case.

Where is the money going?I don't have a prefect answer, but I do know that Hope and dreams, and all that gummy stuff is the reason.

I've milled a few PCBs in my day, copper is gummy and no fun and fiberglas is abrasive so don't expect long bit life.

The sauce was meh, the cheese was gummy, but the worst part of the experience was that the slice was just undercooked - the crust simply wasn't crisp.

I used to eat the gummy vitamins like candy, I got Hypervitaminosis, and my hair started to fall out. I thought I had a horrible disease.

Scary, this is exactly the reason I stay away from gummy vitamins and anything that tries to make it anything less like medicine.

The 'hey mister' won't be only for alcohol anymore but for cannabis too. Many edible products seem to be targeting children with products like gummy bears, hard candies, brownies, sodas, etc.

Pretty much any cola you buy in stores that isn't Pepsi or Coke is almost certainly going to taste like those cola-bottle gummy candies rather than the flavor you associate with Coke.

The typing feel they provide is both impactful and gummy - you push a key until it stops abruptly, like mashing a finger down on your desk directly, and then you have to lift your finger off the key entirely to let it release.

This is fairly unsurprising to anyone with even a modicum of understanding as to how these sensors actually work and the decade long history of researchers breaking them with Photoshop, gummy bears, latex and spit.

Gummy definitions


having the sticky properties of an adhesive

See also: gluey glutinous mucilaginous pasty sticky viscid viscous


covered with adhesive gum

See also: gummed