Pasty in a sentence as a noun

They had to show Ed's pasty mug so they could stake him.

> CNN has a lot of nerve to use a racial slur such as 'pasty-faced'.

>CNN has a lot of nerve to use a racial slur such as 'pasty-faced'.

They see a CS grad as a white, male, 135 lbs., pasty, skinny genius.

Releveant to the issue at hand: in the state of nature, pasty nerds like Zuck and Brin and Page don't rule the world.

But that race is implied does not mean pasty-faced is any more a racial slur than the negative use of "pale.

Pasty in a sentence as an adjective

Mostly pale pasty males that feel obligated to sex with women more attractive than them.

I "can't" socialize because I'm not pasty white, well there's a load off my back I don't have to be responsible for anymore.

"The term 'software engineer' conjures images of pasty-faced young men with poor posture and limited social skills."...

Genuinely interested: do you have a trick for making sorting a collection less copy-and-pasty?

Everyone knows that Bash keeps a history of commands and that our pasty friend simply needs to press the up arrow followed by return after the first roll of the digital die.

Some evidence: all the hate towards "brogrammer" stuff, which it is painfully obvious to everyone inside the industry is an inside joke lampooning male programmers by contrasting those pasty nerds with the tanned jock stereotype that beat them up in high school.

Pasty definitions


small meat pie or turnover


(usually used in the plural) one of a pair of adhesive patches worn to cover the nipples of exotic dancers and striptease performers


resembling paste in color; pallid; "he looked pasty and red-eyed"; "a complexion that had been pastelike was now chalky white"

See also: pastelike


having the sticky properties of an adhesive

See also: gluey glutinous gummy mucilaginous sticky viscid viscous