Vilification in a sentence as a noun

Kernel makes the point that much of the vilification of fexprs was actually caused by dynamic scope.

The main points of the article, from my perspective were 1. The issues with education in the US are complex, and blanket vilification of teachers is neither warranted nor productive.

Police are not unfairly vilified; they deserve vilification because they protect their own even when guilty.

Just a thought: The modern vilification of hypocrisy strikes me as a step backward in one way - it makes people feel bad about having high ideals they can't always meet.

Suddenly everything was seemingly so clear to some, their righteous outrage and vilification so loud.

But the vilification of the profession, which the article laments and you effectively condone, is in my opinion a big distraction.

I'd normally agree, but I think the vilification of chemistry is a subject of interest to at least the general "nerd" community.

Granted, the solutions one might come up with from there are perhaps less simplistic and less susceptible to vilification on ideological grounds, and that might not suit your rhetorical purpose.

Vilify an industry, smear doctors because of your subjective vilification, and then apparently come online and promote your false "skepticism" rooted wholly in what sounds like a laypersons understanding of their work and industry.

I think the most important part of this HN thread is that people have gone from giving Google the benefit of the doubt to assuming that everything they do is a part of trying to **** over the users in any way imaginable in a depiction that is beginning to exceed a vilification greater than Mark Zuckerberg.

Marx, for example, was very clear in his agitation against the kind of moronic vilification demonstrated in this text: The typical capitalist, and those aiding him, according to Marx, is no more evil than the worker he oppresses - capitalist and worker alike for the most part are trapped in the same machine, and have little choice but to stick to their roles: A capitalist that stops exploiting labour will fail, and end up a labourer by necessity himself.

Vilification definitions


slanderous defamation

See also: smear malignment


a rude expression intended to offend or hurt; "when a student made a stupid mistake he spared them no abuse"; "they yelled insults at the visiting team"

See also: abuse insult revilement contumely