Righteous in a sentence as an adjective

If only I could find a righteous way to warn others, "Run the other way!

Even the name humble bundle seems self-righteous to me, considering they are just a store.

It needs to tell a compelling story with a righteous underdog fighting the good fight which would be squashed if this law passes.

When they're attacking Sony it's "righteous" and "good", when they're attacking companies we like they're "bad" and "immature".

She clearly went after Swartz with a self-righteous zeal that was far divorced from the seriousness of the alleged crime.

I dont think thats smarmy or righteous, its just good old-fashioned golden rule stuff, and you are demonstrating your integrity.

They're not hoping for a world where people aren't forced into things, but a world where people are forced into their own narrow vision of what's moral and righteous.

Arrington's self-righteous, dismissive diatribe here leaves me with exactly the opposite impression about him.

I don't feel comfortable reaching out to you privately based on your contact with Adria over twitter but we do run in the same circles and I will reserve a righteous high five for if/when we meet.

Yet, almost every time some morally righteous politician talks about regulating the Internet, he or she mentions "Child Pornography".

Righteous definitions


characterized by or proceeding from accepted standards of morality or justice; "the...prayer of a righteous man availeth much"- James 5:16


morally justified; "righteous indignation"