Vibrancy in a sentence as a noun

In that time, though, there was an energy and vibrancy on building things.

Does this reduce the vibrancy of the restaurant scene?

None of them had the life or vibrancy or innovation of the BBS subculture.

So something a bit more dynamic, maybe in color or vibrancy, might have punched it up a notch.

The vibrancy of the Rails community seems to disagree with that assessment.

Consider that Tim's painting doesn't have centuries of aging to contend with- in regards to vibrancy and cracking.

Nothing in the preceding statement should be construed as a comment on Disney's own artistic vibrancy or lack thereof.

And that doesn't even touch on the social aspect -- nothing is quite like github in terms of community vibrancy and activity.

Since you're sort of competing against the vibrancy of photos, why not consider allowing typography choices?

This nothing speaks better about the continuing viability and vibrancy of this genre than this company

And I find connections between things everywhere!It's just history, but other things in life suddenly have a vibrancy and flavor I never saw, because I never knew how to see.

If anything, the design and vibrancy of Pintrest serves to highlight the lackluster design of Etsy's Treasury, their internal list-making section.

To me one of the issues with modern development is that it is explicitly "designed/planned" and thus diversity and vibrancy is naturally limited by the views/imagination of the designers/developers and politicians.

I deftly dodged a piece of human **** on the sidewalk on my way to work without missing a beat, how delightfully urban-sophisticate!I've never before lived in a place where violent crime, rampant substance abuse, and extreme poverty was treated in such a blase way, and often glorified as "vibrancy" and "color".

Vibrancy definitions


having the character of a loud deep sound; the quality of being resonant

See also: plangency resonance reverberance ringing sonorousness sonority