Archaic in a sentence as an adjective

It's so archaic that academic cryptographers joke about how many times it has been reinvented and then rebroken.

This is kind of sad, like an english department no longer teaching Shakespeare because it is written in archaic language and can't hold the student's interest.

Their treatment of women, in particular, would strike an American as archaic and quaintly Mad Men at best, and at worst barbaric and abusive.

No joke, in some regions, the MLS service -- responsible for all real estate listings in that region -- is an archaic Windows program running on a desktop in some guy's Lake Tahoe cabin.

The systems even felt somewhat archaic back then, but there was a reason: they were probably the most reliable military avionics systems I've come across.

10gen did a great job of marketing to developers, but unfortunately they seemed to spit in the face of DBAs and Ops people a long time ago by proclaiming them to be unnecessary and archaic.

Doing it in miles and kilometers is helping to get people accustomed to using the Standard International set of units alongside the archaic Imperial units.

I find that due to archaic idiosyncrasies and the customization possible with emacs, the more time I spend with it the more difficult it becomes to use different editors.

And the rules for evidence, "scientific" testimony, and witness reports are archaic, convoluted, and based on nothing resembling scientific or rational rigor.

This comment has no place at the top of the page.> the problem with RFCs is the archaic writing styleI'll admit, reading standards is more difficult than reading regular prose, it is nearly impossible to use language precisely without getting too verbose.

While archaic and stridently antidemocratic by today's standards, the system of government cobbled together by a citizens' commission in 1931 largely did what our forebears wanted it to do mind the store and eliminate rampant corruption.

Archaic definitions


so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period; "a ramshackle antediluvian tenement"; "antediluvian ideas"; "archaic laws"

See also: antediluvian antiquated


little evolved from or characteristic of an earlier ancestral type; "archaic forms of life"; "primitive mammals"; "the okapi is a short-necked primitive cousin of the giraffe"

See also: primitive