Unrefined in a sentence as an adjective

An unrefined brain is a useless tool, no matter how smart you are.

As it stands, your comment comes across as petty and unrefined.

No, it's just a sign that they rely heavily on unrefined coal for power.

BrowserID might add an unrefined and unnecessary hurdle to the game.

A simple ship sailing into NY harbor could easily deliver a nuclear weapon, even if it was large and unrefined.

I admire people experimenting, but this feels like taking the idea 80% of the way there, and just kind of leaving things unrefined/unusable.

They also use heavy water as a moderator, and burn unrefined uranium / [can] spent fuel from other reactors pretty impressive machines I think.

It is still absolutely tantamount that you consume unrefined simple carbs such as strawberries, raspberries, oranges, apples, plum, pear, a long etc., and the number one fruit because of its flavanoid content: blueberries!

It will take years to be able to produce something that isn't immediately recognizable as either too unrefined for serious consideration, too obviously derivative, or so done to death it's a cliche.

In addition to the wonderful qualities humans have, there remains a number possible impairments with regards to self assessment: bias, delusion, deceitfulness, fancifulness, ignorance or simply an innocent unrefined skill in introspective ability.

Unrefined definitions


not refined or processed; "unrefined ore"; "crude oil"

See also: unprocessed crude


(used of persons and their behavior) not refined; uncouth; "how can a refined girl be drawn to such an unrefined man?"