Tantamount in a sentence as an adjective

"Oh, I don't know, the $20,000 'offer' which is tantamount to extortion?

"It's your fault for not using the Google Plus App to view the page" is tantamount to saying, "It's your fault for not using IE6 to view the page.

It's tantamount to "abandon your entire family and live as a fugitive, or are you too chicken?

They're play-it-safe types, and to them, stepping outside the lines is tantamount to insanity.

On one hand, this is tantamount to saying you want to ensure that rich kids have better access to educational materials.

What you are saying is tantamount to blaming someone for being inert when they're depressed, instead of treating it is something that is out of their control to begin with.

If you are an engineer in a niche field, in particular, being barred from that field for a year or more is tantamount to rendering your professional knowledge obsolete.

"Never use early exits" is tantamount to saying "never study programming languages deeply enough to understand control-flow graphs".

This is tantamount to mathematicians who create their own notation to establish proofs--such proofs can be completely unreadable to their colleagues.

[2] As entrepreneurs and people who hopefully deliver value to customers, knowledge about the culture we live in is tantamount in delivering a product that resonates with our target market.

Stuff like "obtain verifiable parental consent" is so unfeasible and tangled for any web service with any significant amount of users it is tantamount to prohibiting under 13.

In other words, anyone with two brain cells can see that, if there has in fact been a 215 order by the time the next report rolls around, then deliberately removing the warrant canary language is tantamount to revealing the order's existence, which is illegal.

This is shameful behavior - it is tantamount to mob rule & harassment, with the effective statement that "We strongly dislike what you're doing, so we are going to disturb your private residence and prevent you from going to work".No person who isn't committing a serious crime deserves that whatever his/her beliefs.

" It's again important to note that this is a child pornography case: possession of child pornography is a crime, so if the would-be defendant here provided a decryption key, this would be tantamount to him admitting that he possessed the hard drive and had access to the files within itthat alone would constitute a crime if the files were found to be child pornography.

Tantamount definitions


being essentially equal to something; "it was as good as gold"; "a wish that was equivalent to a command"; "his statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt"

See also: equivalent