Unquestionably in a sentence as an adverb

New York is unquestionably more diverse. The list goes on and on.

But they were, unquestionably, right. So I went up approximately 4 minutes into the exam and said "Umm, sir, I'm done."

I need to be able to trust my co-founder pretty much absolutely and unquestionably. What is your character and who can vouch for it?

Shuttle buses unquestionably reduce congestion and help the environment. This is not about who the techies are, or what they do.

Tesla is, I think, unquestionably the most impactful company in the game, including GE and Nissan. For two reasons.

It's so unquestionably better at doing writing, sketching, and note-taking than crudely smudging your fingers. iPads still fail pretty hard at being useful during math class.

That's unquestionably speech. Worse, the music they were sharing was given to them by record labels as part of their promotional efforts, so it wasn't even engaged in copyright infringement!

Looking back on my life I consider these friendships to be unquestionably the strongest and most meaningful that I've ever had. When you did your experiment did you not have at least some of your relationships grow stronger because of it?

In short, I find it odd that the author unquestionably says his neighbor should have had different password behavior, yet it was the only password he couldn't crack. That's an opportunity to revisit assumptions.

It's probably the biggest example I can think of where Apple really shows that they are unquestionably not Google. It's hard to underestimate just how much of a boost Apple will see if they actually build a real, first-class, fast shopping experience into the App Store.

But I think the real point is this quote from the NJ article: "But even if the talk was rated a home run, we couldn't release it, because it would be unquestionably regarded as out and out political. We're in the middle of an election year in the US. Your argument comes down firmly on the side of one party."

I've ridden driverless trains in at least three countries - the technology is unquestionably available, proven, and safe. Is it possible politically?

From Chris Anderson's justification for not publishing it: > But even if the talk was rated a home run, we couldn't release it, because it would be unquestionably regarded as out and out political. We're in the middle of an election year in the US. Your argument comes down firmly on the side of one party.

Certainly, an equivalently beautiful presentation aimed at prospective users of the site would be unquestionably valuable.

This means the site that google unquestionably considers the most authoritative, when it cites a page that it considers authoritative, google gives that site no credibility. But let me create a web of sites that construct text that passes grammer parsers as "good english" but whose purpose is to spam keywords and link to each other and I can rank for those terms up close to wikipedia.

#2 "Of all the mathematical sciences, computer science is unquestionably the dullest. If I had my time again, despite discovering just how much I love writing software, I still wouldn't study computer science." I stopped reading after this point. Why does he state as a matter-of-fact that computer science is unquestionably the dullest?

It can be a single one that's powerful enough to be unquestionably dominant over anything it chooses to touch, or it can be dozens of little ones, all vying for control over various things in various places. That essentially looks like Somalia or Syria or Libya - total chaos, with constant risk of offending one warlord or another or some gang of bandits, and none of them will make the slightest pretense of listening to you.

We've seen his posts before and discussed it to great lengths, but the bottom line is if he's created something that is truly capable of sustaining health for the lifetime of a person he should be rewarded, but without scientific proof of longterm health this will never, and should never, be taken unquestionably.

Unquestionably definitions


without question; "Fred Winter is unquestionably the jockey to follow"; "they hired unimpeachably first-rate faculty members"

See also: unimpeachably


without question and beyond doubt; "it was decidedly too expensive"; "she told him off in spades"; "by all odds they should win"

See also: decidedly emphatically definitely