Emphatically in a sentence as an adverb

“No,” Page said emphatically. “We don’t do this.”

By the way, this would emphatically NOT mean that we had "no metric at all", of course... we had testing before 2001.

This is emphatically not true. You record as much as humanly possible on set.

But, nomination emphatically seconded. For what it's worth, Bernstein spends most of his time in Europe these days.

In [his book] Hoppe emphatically advised players not to use his way of directing the cue. The moral of this story is that grandmasters will take lousy tools and build amazing things, because they are grandmasters.

I can't agree with you emphatically enough about this. Cargo cult commenting is one of the easiest ways to damage the readability of a codebase.

On the other hand, because of Strafor's mission, you can be almost certain that a handful of messages will reveal information where disclosing it is emphatically a public good. Will we find wrongdoing?

I can't say this emphatically enough: it's not worth it. Identifying personally with that person will only make you suffer even more - you have to keep in mind that they're certainly not making 1% of the effort you're expending on their problem.

It's irresponsible to characterize this as a done deal when it's emphatically not. And "soon" is certainly relative here anyway -- it's at least three releases away before this would even be considered.

What the author of this post describes is just fraud, not fractional reserve, and while libertarian types love to conflate the two, they are emphatically not the same thing.

Monads are emphatically not "a way of encapsulating side-effects in a pure lazy language". Haskell's IO type is a way of encapsulating side effects in a pure lazy language.

He immediately and emphatically replied "none". I always think of this when I see headlines touting achievements such as a 14-qubit quantum computer, or stories about controlled entanglement of 14 qubits.

So, a word of advice to new folks trying out iOS land: Interface Builder is most emphatically your friend. The compile/debug cycle in iOS is sufficiently lengthy that laying out views programmatically gets very tedious very fast.

If you confuse the means for the ends, then in an era of cloud computing, you might say "oh these licenses no longer matter so the ends are accomplished", but of course that's emphatically not the Free Software position. And maybe we should give serious consideration to the free software position.

This is not only improbable, but emphatically impossible.

Until then, your callousness makes you emphatically the sort of dime-a-dozen, utterly common, entirely unoriginal personalities that make me want to walk out of this industry and lock the door behind me forever. Good luck on your journey.

A Kickstarter campaign is emphatically not a crowd-sourced angel investment: it's a busker's hat, with basically the same responsibilities and obligations that a street musician has to her audience of sidewalk quarter-droppers. Palmer Luckey clearly wants this money with the minimum of fuss.

I am completely, wholeheartedly, emphatically, and unabashedly in favor of finally bringing control over OpenType features to CSS—finally! !

Emphatically definitions


without question and beyond doubt; "it was decidedly too expensive"; "she told him off in spades"; "by all odds they should win"

See also: decidedly unquestionably definitely