Ungulate in a sentence as a noun

"I don't think protylopus is a very good name either, but probably better than ungulate.

Let us also not forget it's power to literally punish ungulates as well.

Rinderpest, a disease of cattle and some other ungulates, has been officially wiped out as of 2011.

Ungulate in a sentence as an adjective

The necessity of having vast herds of large ungulates in western North America to prevent ecosystem collapse is well understood.

I found this fascinating:"An antelope is a member of a number of even-toed ungulate species indigenous to various regions in Africa and Eurasia.

Proper Noun Examples for Ungulate

": Ungulates bamboozled by ungulates, it turn bamboozle.

": Ungulates bamboozled by ungulates, in turn bamboozle ungulates.

": Ungulates associated with western New York and bamboozled by ungulates, in turn bamboozle ungulates.

Ungulate definitions


any of a number of mammals with hooves that are superficially similar but not necessarily closely related taxonomically


having or resembling hoofs; "horses and other hoofed animals"

See also: ungulated hoofed hooved