Hoofed in a sentence as an adjective

How did your country eliminate all the hoofed ruminants?

So, it's highly unlikely that there will ever be a hoofed marsupial.

You'll never see a hoofed marsupial, for example.

And restrictions like "only cloven hoofed animals that chew their cud" are just "let's make this obscure enough to prove you really care.

By the time they hoofed from wherever they were working to the designated smoking area, burned one down, and walked back, 20-30 minutes of every hour could get chewed up.

This is a clear difference to the rutting season of various hoofed animals, which is partly seasonally bound and thus synchronized within a population.

"Putting aside my instinct that this proposal is just too ridiculous to contemplate, has anyone considered the safety implications of a 70-180 kg strong-legged hoofed animal flying around the cabin in turbulence?

Hoofed definitions


having or resembling hoofs; "horses and other hoofed animals"

See also: ungulate ungulated hooved