Ungoverned in a sentence as an adjective

How would an ungoverned corporation be less evil than one subject to democratic laws?

Those who live ungoverned tend to experience more coercion, violence, and violations of their rights than those who are governed.

What I have trouble with, is the idea that it's somehow okay for the whole world to deliver it in the form of an ungoverned internet mob. Societies have limits to how much opprobrium you can receive.

I think because it's on a strange + ungoverned corner of the internet, it was easily painted as illegal when it was only very creepy.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." - Malcolm Reynolds, Firefly

This topic is a hotbed of research, yet the one cure which is certain to work - creating opportunities for people to live lives ungoverned by clocks if they so choose - is of course not on the table.

To the extent Corporations abuse power ungoverned by the free market, they do so primarily via association with government.

California is not ungovernable -- it's just been ungoverned.

Everything we build around software that's not directly bearing on the problem domain is chipping away at this or that aspect of the ungoverned bits. As we corral each level of new unpredictability, we merely set the scene of the next level of complexity.

Only the internet survives as a fountainhead of innovation because it still is considered ungoverned territory.

Western countries with their moderate and constrained ability to exercise power lack the authority to create radically ungoverned spaces.

So Urbit strikes a sort of balance between governed and ungoverned networks. The limited address space will hopefully make it economically impractical to abuse the network for profit - a spammer is always a Sybil attacker.

This is easily recognizable as the default state for most of human history, and the state that society returns to when ungoverned. Examples include Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, various narco-states, and so on.

I'm not in favor of these devices, but if I was, I'd counter that argument by suggesting they be tuned to 5mph over the posted speed limit, and allow a burst of ungoverned speed up to one minute if the accelerator is fully depressed.

Since the current pro-austerity administration took office, the Netherlands has performed worse than its mostly ungoverned neighbour Belgium in almost every respect, including debt-to-GDP growth. Mind you that the Netherlands is one of the richest countries in the world with financial assets worth several times its debts, and those assets have much higher returns than what they pay in interest on their loans.

In the meantime the population of the Walled City continued to grow, all but ungoverned and outlawed becoming, in effect, the tiniest city-state in the world. Theoretically controlled by the British, technically owned by China, and actually governed by whoever wielded power within such an anarchistic enclave — invariably gangsters.

Interesting quote further down where he begs the question, Betteridge's-law-of-headlines-style: Hayden: "But certainly Mr Snowden has created quite a stir among those folks who are very committed to transparency and global transparency and the global web, kind of ungoverned and free. And I don't know that there's a logic between trying to [punish] America or American institutions for his arrest, but I hold out the possibility.

But I don't even have qualms comparing international waters to Afghanistan, because you have to consider that if a given piece of land is completely ungoverned, does it belong to a specific nation at all? If you say that the lands in Afghanistan from which AQ organized their terrorism was effectively governed by the Taliban and not a failed state, then it's even easier legally, as you have an actual causus belli for military action in response.

Ungoverned definitions


not restrained or controlled; "unbridled rage"; "an unchecked temper"; "ungoverned rage"

See also: unbridled unchecked uncurbed


lacking in discipline or control; "undisciplined behavior"; "ungoverned youth"

See also: undisciplined