Corral in a sentence as a noun

This lets you corral effectful code and keep the bulk of your code "pure" and easy to reuse and reason about.

Amazing how you can corral your friends to go downvote any dissenters of your own article and get away with it. Grats on rigging the game, OP!

Send tens of thousands of troops over to Africa to corral people, bringing them in close contact, then send the troops back to their home countries, nothing could possibly go wrong.

Sun spent years trying to corral mobile vendors through a single standards process to ensure the "correct" result while Google shipped and iterated on something just good enough.

Student behavior is being policed in order to corral them into a narrowly defined "acceptable" behavior.

Corral in a sentence as a verb

This was in large part because they didn't do what another commenter wrote about chicago's system: corral all the poor people into a place with no transit so that the rich didn't have to look at them.

But anarchy is also freedom from the influences of the State, patriarchy, civilization, white supremacy, all of the great forces which seek to corral us and **** with our lives and desires.

The folk religions of China wildly vary depending on people and region, and to try and slam it all into an "ism" makes about as much sense as trying to corral all Native American beliefs into the umbrella "Aboriginism".

This is SOP for tech journalism - throw out some inaccuracies to goad people into offering corrections, leaving some gaping holes, maybe a bit of ad hominem here and there to incite some rage, then corral people into your comment section for even more precioussss page views.

For engineers, some may see it as a great opportunity to do advanced work in some of the social media companies while others may regard such companies as being engaged in unethical conduct as they at least sometimes use dubious techniques to try corral us as consumers into their tight little worlds.

Corral definitions


a pen for cattle


enclose in a corral; "corral the horses"


arrange wagons so that they form a corral


collect or gather; "corralling votes for an election"