Opprobrium in a sentence as a noun

They can play the game, and suffering opprobrium for their actions is a valid rule of the game.

It's risky and scary and you'll probably face opprobrium.

It seriously boggles the mind as to how Western Union got it approved, with all the current opprobrium around patents.

It's beyond even opprobrium; we simply do not live in a world that would permit large groups of humanity to live without some form of government.

We're not going to see _why fan-fiction any time soon, and I suspect if anyone else starting writing in the voice of _why, it would quickly be spotted and met with opprobrium.

Any opinion is okay but if you are actively working to remove existing rights from other people, you can expect opprobrium.

Do they deserve public opprobrium?The world is not black and white, and people have to try to make reasonable decisions with incomplete information all the time.

This kind of respectful dialogue is brought to us by pervasive peer moderation and social opprobrium, with a dash of outright censorship to taste.

There's plenty of men that speak exactly the same way -- starting with Larry Ellison, and go read about his behavior sometime -- yet don't get the same opprobrium.

I can't imagine the US government having the courage to face the public opprobrium that would come with placing a whistleblower acting for the people in prison.

That doesn't mean lavishing uncritical praise on everything Apple does, while mindlessly heaping opprobrium on their competitors.

" Facebook manufactures its own opprobrium in house, very successfully.

" This is a legitimate function of society, and opprobrium and derision is a key tool for enforcing social norms that keep a check on undesirable behavior.

The closest parallel to the mindless, hate-drenched opprobrium of these people is **** Germany turning on the JewsThis perverse non-analogy is an embarrassment.

We need science to be an open and honest discussion where experimental results can be presented without the researchers being at risk of opprobrium merely because the particular evidence doesn't conform to the status quo.

This intervention had precisely nothing to do with protecting the privacy of employees, and everything to do with establishing a legal avenue to conceal information MIT found embarrassing.>"I see no reason why those who participated in these terrible events should be shielded from public opprobrium\n>>Even if they were acting reasonably?

Opprobrium definitions


state of disgrace resulting from public abuse

See also: obloquy


a state of extreme dishonor; "a date which will live in infamy"- F.D.Roosevelt; "the name was a by-word of scorn and opprobrium throughout the city"

See also: infamy