Tsunami in a sentence as a noun

There is a tsunami of hurt coming for the short.

Is that what passes for a revenue tsunami these days?

You need vertical offset to cause a tsunami.

On the other hand, people are dying due to lack of supplies and medication from the tsunami.

A strike-slip system like the San Andreas is very unlikely to cause a tsunami.

In contrast, northern Japan has just as long of a record, but no records of very large earthquakes and tsunamis.

Spend some time watching videos of the 2011 Thoku earthquake and tsunami and what I'm most struck with is how long people act as if things are normal.

A deep earthquake is unlikely to cause much deformation at the seafloor, and therefore doesn't generate as large of a tsunami.

At worst, its connection to the mainland would be severed if the tsunami destroyed the local land-based telecom infrastructure.

Perhaps the reason for the focus on the reactor meltdown is that it is a solvable problem; in contrast, there is no plausible way to protect Japan from 50-foot tsunamis.

The trickle turned into a flood and then a tsunami today: by the time NewsCorp announced the closure of "News of the World" they only had one major advertiser left on board.

However, the shallower the rupture penetrates, the larger the deformation at the seafloor is, and therefore the larger the tsunami is.

She lives in Sendai, a city at the heart of the tsunami zone, and was in Kesennuma looking for a friend, a fellow student in the koto, a traditional Japanese instrument.

The permanent offset is dominantly horizontal, so the only way to generate a tsunami is through secondary effects such as landslides.

"It is remarkable that so much attention has been given to the radioactive release from Fukushima, considering that the direct death and destruction from the tsunami was enormously greater.

He has to fit into their revenue model, or swim against a tsunami to try to find an audience for a standalone web site, hoping to be one of the few people with outcomes like Louis CK.* Again, he says: the old system was better.

Tsunami definitions


a cataclysm resulting from a destructive sea wave caused by an earthquake or volcanic eruption; "a colossal tsunami destroyed the Minoan civilization in minutes"