Ugliness in a sentence as a noun

There are so many times I have replaced ~80 lines of urllib2 ugliness with 2-5 lines of requests.

It seems like the author is defining non-ugliness as "looks like an iPhone.

You can just ignore the ugliness as unnecessary noise.

Despite its ugliness, it got lambdas/anonymous functions right.

Yet another instance in this cluster of reactive ugliness and missed opportunities.

I don't think that the US or the world economy is in terminal decline, but I think we have another 10-15 years of ugliness before things start to improve.

This is as close to a good use for QR codes as I've ever heard, because the ugliness of the QR code here is offset by the value of a symbol pointing out that you're looking at a landmark.

Quite a few of those people had pointed out that the complexity and sheer ugliness of the OpenSSL code created a large unnecessary barrier to contribution, and that people's time would be better spent on alternatives.

Many people appear to consider this base level of ugliness unacceptable; others may see it as a flaw of Lisp, because the very malleability of the syntax makes it harder to encode implementation costs in the form of the program.

I can't argue about ugliness or elegance, but forgery tokens are fundamentally no less elegant than cryptographically secure cookies, which form the basis for virtually all application security on the entire Internet.

It's the style that gets you; technological ugliness syruped over with romantic phoniness in an effort to produce beauty and profit by people who, though stylish, don't know where to start because no one has ever told them there's such a thing as Quality in this world and it's real, not style.

Ugliness definitions


qualities of appearance that do not give pleasure to the senses


the quality of being wicked

See also: nefariousness wickedness vileness