Nefariousness in a sentence as a noun

I've been a Google fanboi for years and defended them in the public square when they've been accused of nefariousness.

"I've been a Google fanboi for years and defended them in the public square when they've been accused of nefariousness.

I assumed people would take this as nefariousness, so "just a cache" instead of "crazy apple plan to steal all your info"

It also implies a nefariousness that might not be appropriate.

Then they proceeded, with no nefariousness, to deliver a product that works on Chrome and iOS and not elsewhere.

"Back door" does not imply nefariousness, it just implies a way around normal protections, which is exactly what they want.

The grandmother next door will be less likely to adopt its use if she associates it with darkness/nefariousness.

"Why even bring that up unless you think somebody might assume nefariousness?Why do I label you as an Apple defender?

The article itself clearly explains that Apple was able to _beat_ Linux by being better at the time, not by employing nefariousness tactics.

I disagree that there is some anti-American nefariousness going on with this data collection mess.

There are all kinds of explanations for discontinuing RSS import support and for malware warnings that do not point to nefariousness on the part of Facebook.

Especially a GPU-accelerated codec has the potential to wreak all sorts of nefariousness.

His research/due-diligence in tracking this guy illuminates to the community his nefariousness.

?Secondly, they haven't been accussed of nefariousness, they have been caught red-handed, bald faced lied about it in public, only back-pedalled when presented with irrefutable evidence, and then convicted in court.

So the subtextual nefariousness might be what you think it is: a bunch of people who don't like it when people write about gender discrimination making special pleading arguments about how the Internet should be covered by press outlets.

Yet we live in a world that is hungry for data of virtually any type and in any form, which makes both data collection and nefariousness a possibility when that data is being handled by an Internet connected device.

In my mind, I akin it to Google having a pretty gnarly bug in GMail, but then everyone not being able to separate it from Search; it feels like an apt comparison to me, especially since Google is just a few steps down from the nefariousness of FB in some people's minds.

I'm happy to agree that Manning had some good intentions, but he went about implementing them in a wildly irresponsible way. Many of the people who supported his actions have been pointing to the content of the State Department cables as if they abounded with proof of nefariousness while only exposing their own willful ignorance, to the point of seeming upset that American diplomats engage in intelligence-gathering and are not always completely frank in their dealings with foreigners.

That report goes on to reiterate on one of the major points of the CA scandal, that executives of the company explicitly sold themselves as nefarious kingmakers willing to deploy blackmail and honeypots for a client in order to manipulate elections.> All of this does not diminish the nefariousness of Cambridge Analytica and SCL.

Nefariousness definitions


the quality of being wicked

See also: wickedness vileness ugliness