Twirl in a sentence as a noun

"Suppose I stand up, twirl around a few times, and stop.

Left joystick + R + left C, twirl around and end up back in the vent.

Cool hack, but you're going to confuse the **** out of my mom... "why did the screen just twirl?!?

Not as though the Rubyists will really give it twirl anyway.

"Villains who twirl their mustaches are easy to spot.

Twirl in a sentence as a verb

Might as well accidentally ask the local mafia to white wash some money while they twirl their mustaches.

Some individuals even grew long mustaches which they would twirl with melodramatic flair as they savaged a programmer's code.

"Some individuals even grew long mustaches which they would twirl with melodramatic flair as they savaged a programmer's code.

The answers are mass transit, active travel, smarter workplaces and better urban design, not the same old cars but with the ability to twirl the steering wheel themselves.

If you just seek to satisfy your inner craving for "justice", by all means - call the cops, destroy his life, create another criminal and drug user and watch him and his parents lose any hope of normal life, while you laugh and twirl your moustache from atop the moral high tower.

Twirl definitions


a sharp bend in a line produced when a line having a loop is pulled tight

See also: kink twist


the act of rotating rapidly; "he gave the crank a spin"; "it broke off after much twisting"

See also: spin twist twisting whirl


turn in a twisting or spinning motion; "The leaves swirled in the autumn wind"

See also: swirl twiddle whirl


cause to spin; "spin a coin"

See also: whirl birl spin