Twiddle in a sentence as a noun

It's not like I just twiddle stuff until it compiles.

Mark your code as "unsafe" and twiddle bits to your hearts content!

While you twiddle bits, I can throw money on hardware and get my product out on the market.

In demos, visitors twiddle a 1980s style game joystick.

Programmers mostly twiddle their bits around until something works.

What other industry has a requirement such as this?There's more than enough work out there, why must a web dev know or care how to twiddle bits, or vice versa?

Twiddle in a sentence as a verb

You can reach down, twiddle the knobs and browse through thousands of tracks without taking your eyes off the road at all because it reads the artists, albums, playlists etc to you.

They said we'd get info about the meet ups but it never came which resulted in me blowing off a few appointments on tuesday nights twice to be there ready for the details, only to twiddle my thumbs.

For example, I'd be happy if I never saw another EQ knob again in software -- being able to visualize/tweak a spectrum envelope is a clear winner over having to twiddle knobs.

I'm not looking for perfection, but if they don't meet any of my criteria and won't bring some value to the table, why should I settle for less?And if I can't find a co-founder, I'm not gonna twiddle my thumb and wait for someone.

These things are getting to be $20-30 now, and its possible to use them for all sorts of nifty stuff and learn how to operate on constrained systems and twiddle bits in memory and whatever supposed advantage a TI calculator would offer, if thats the goal.

If, after doing all this, you still have payroll to burn, hire somebody at twice the salary of anyone else, anonymously leak salary information for your department, and be sure to give this new employee absolutely nothing to do except twiddle their thumbs.

Twiddle definitions


a series of small (usually idle) twists or turns


turn in a twisting or spinning motion; "The leaves swirled in the autumn wind"

See also: twirl swirl whirl


manipulate, as in a nervous or unconscious manner; "He twiddled his thumbs while waiting for the interview"