Twinkle in a sentence as a noun

" Her eyes twinkle absently at him, go backto the bullet marks.

Not to be pedantic, but Henry Ford figured that out long before SJ was a twinkle in the valley's eye.

History had plenty of bad market crashes long before computers were a twinkle in anyone's eyes.

There's a small, but solid color around Bellevue and a faint twinkle over at Redmond for the fading empire.

Someone using rollback or twinkle will rapidly revert, and leave a vandalism warning on the IP page.

Twinkle in a sentence as a verb

As I said: it is an uphill battle to make people understand that when this was all built, the idea of a webserver was still just a twinkle in someone's eye :/.

Just as an Emacs user might be stymied by the missing Lisp support in uemacs or zile, a habitual Vim user leans on stuff like text objects and visual selections, which were never even a twinkle in Bill Joy's eye.

Almost every change was reverted within minutes to the previous version by someone using twinkle, or some auto revert tool, or someone with an image of a police-officer style "vandal patrol".

I was telling all this to my cube neighbor Michael Riley, not knowing who he was, he says with a twinkle in his eye "Yeah, that was us".The most remarkable thing about these experiments that I learned from him was that the professor would provoke an illusion on the students on the first day of class.

Twinkle definitions


a rapid change in brightness; a brief spark or flash

See also: scintillation sparkling


merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance; "he had a sparkle in his eye"; "there's a perpetual twinkle in his eyes"

See also: sparkle spark light


gleam or glow intermittently; "The lights were flashing"

See also: flash blink wink winkle


emit or reflect light in a flickering manner; "Does a constellation twinkle more brightly than a single star?"

See also: winkle scintillate