Scintillation in a sentence as a noun

The greater the curvature, the less the scintillation moves, and the less the apparent parallax.

It's a round pot-like device with shielding and plastic scintillation detectors into which a sample can be inserted.

Under a microscope the faint scintillations in the zinc sulfide could be individually distinguished and counted.

He had to sit in a thing that counted gamma rays coming from him, to see if he had consumed any of the bad stuff, and it completely enclosed him in a large scintillation detector.

As the reflectors were manually moved closer and farther away from each other, scintillation counters measured the relative activity from the core.

A small glass plate coated with zinc sulfide and bombarded with alpha particles briefly fluoresced at the point where each particle struck, a phenomenon known as "scintillation" from the Greek word for spark.

Internal scintillation crystals + additional optical tissue based on our current design = a whole new sense. Obviously with a little redundancy and care of placement you could get alpha, beta, gamma and an energy spectrum.

The mechanism is purely geometric: a gleaming scintillation of reflected light in a scratch from a point source will exhibit apparent parallax if the scratch is horizontal and curved.

You can't see them by eye, we detect indirectly through nitrogen fluorescence with Photomultiplier tubes and mirrors, and for Telescope Array, also with scintillation detectors.

You try fixing a sodium-iodide scintillation detector without a manualMore like, you try finding a sodium-iodide scintillation detector that HAS a manual!Another great story, thanks for posting.

Even through the microscope the scintillations hovered at the edge of visibility; a counter who expected the experiment to produce a certain number of scintillations sometimes unintentionally saw imaginary flashes.

Scintillation definitions


(physics) a flash of light that is produced in a phosphor when it absorbs a photon or ionizing particle


a rapid change in brightness; a brief spark or flash

See also: twinkle sparkling


a brilliant display of wit


the quality of shining with a bright reflected light

See also: glitter glister glisten sparkle


the twinkling of the stars caused when changes in the density of the earth's atmosphere produce uneven refraction of starlight