Sparkle in a sentence as a noun

"Me: "Oh, so it's not about the sparkle then?

He's of a generation that thought the future would sparkle.

He finally got to share with other people the sparkle I had long known and adored.

What's wrong with people who just want to capture a moment where someone they love has a sparkle in their eye?

No, but when people say, "Nice Sweater," and I ask, with a sparkle in my eye, "Do you want to hear about it?

Debian tend not to go in for applying sparkle to their default installs, so try not to judge based on their defaults.

Sparkle in a sentence as a verb

"Then the client was clunky and slow, nothing else on the web felt as slow even with such little graphical sparkle.

The sparkle of more promise is in Cortana's potential to interface with applications.

It would be better for non-Webkit browsers if we just started with plain old sparkle so that legacy content would not be forever broken to them.

I'm guessing downvotes are more due to your incoherent ramblings than mentioning "Ayn Rand".For example: "too many renonciation might **** up the sparkle for good.

If Chrome comes out with a -webkit-sparkle property tomorrow, advocates of prefixes would have you add -moz-sparkle, -o-sparkle, -ms-sparkle, and plain old sparkle immediately just in case it becomes a standard.

Sparkle definitions


merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance; "he had a sparkle in his eye"; "there's a perpetual twinkle in his eyes"

See also: twinkle spark light


the occurrence of a small flash or spark

See also: glitter coruscation


the quality of shining with a bright reflected light

See also: glitter glister glisten scintillation


reflect brightly; "Unquarried marble sparkled on the hillside"

See also: scintillate coruscate


be lively or brilliant or exhibit virtuosity; "The musical performance sparkled"; "A scintillating conversation"; "his playing coruscated throughout the concert hall"

See also: scintillate coruscate


emit or produce sparks; "A high tension wire, brought down by a storm, can continue to spark"

See also: spark


become bubbly or frothy or foaming; "The boiling soup was frothing"; "The river was foaming"; "Sparkling water"

See also: foam froth fizz effervesce