Tweezer in a sentence as a noun

Look at a knife, a corscrew, a scissor, a toothpick, and a tweezer sitting on the desk.

Not to mention the need to tweezer-clean the pocket lint on a weekly basis.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: tweezer them off the sheet and onto the waiting chasis.

Insert tip of tweezer or dental pick under body near molten side and lift slightly.

Priceless quote: "Writing in C is like building a mosaic out of lentils using a tweezer and glue.

Not sure if you've ever set up a PnP before but it's a huge pain in the ***. I'd rather stencil and tweezer as long it was remotely practical.

With a knowledge of which bond wire it was, a person with a steady hand could probably remove that bond wire with a tweezer-like tool.

Read their chapter on soldering, where they whine about surface mount, instead of telling you how to do it. There are lots of surface mount soldering videos, most of which are by people who have much better than average tweezer dexterity.

What you want to do is use fine tweezers or dental pick, and you're going to heat up one pin at a time and use the tip of the tweezer or pick to pluck the pin forward, lifting it up.

A nurse practitioner probably could have done it cheaper, but you probably want to be pretty sure that the tweezer plan is going to work before digging around deep in your ear canal with them.

After the first harvest, little Jimmy will be wandering through the once-lush, and now barren pine wasteland individually picking up pine needles with an eyebrow tweezer.

The most labor-intensive step in the process is taking a sheet of approximately 1,000 gaskets, manually removing them with a tweezer, inspecting them under a jeweler's loupe, and depositing the passes into the waiting outgoing package.

Tweezer definitions


a hand tool for holding consisting of a compound lever for grasping

See also: pincer