Outgoing in a sentence as an adjective

He was an outgoing person, had a hot girlfriend and lots of friends.

Some of your friends will be super outgoing, and they'll do most of the work for you.

The outgoing CEO met with the incoming CEO for an exit interview.

It has hurt us all a thousand times more than the outgoing CEO of Mozilla has ever hurt gay couples.

Precisely because you could tell he was so outgoing he would've been open to any suggestion "want to take a ride?

He was super outgoing, with a real infectious sense of interaction.

The most labor-intensive step in the process is taking a sheet of approximately 1,000 gaskets, manually removing them with a tweezer, inspecting them under a jeweler's loupe, and depositing the passes into the waiting outgoing package.

Outgoing definitions


leaving a place or a position; "an outgoing steamship"


retiring from a position or office; "the outgoing president"


at ease in talking to others

See also: extroverted forthcoming