Pincer in a sentence as a noun

The way to move the mouse is with a pincer grip.

Earwigs are the insect with a pincer on their behind.

Then release your thumb or your pincer grip to push the phone into your pocket if it's a tight pocket.

The combination of pincer and tense back of the hand by hovering the fingers is tiring and induces RSI.

Children who have not yet developed a pincer grasp might require modified cigarette holders, safety lighters or both.

This is where I think you and I disconnect: I believe Microsoft is now waging a two-front war and is being squeezed by the resulting pincer attack.

One day they'll be proficiently grabbing things with a full-paw grasp and the next they'll be dropping stuff left right and center because they started using pincer grip or something.

NaCL is a Chrome sandboxing technology that allows Chrome apps and plugins to run at "near native" speeds"Straight out of the MS playbook, 'lets use our dominant browser as a pincer move to gain developer/market share'.

You dipshits couldn't even understand a ******* pincer business idea like that; all you know is embracing, extending and executing small dumb companies and have no ******* clue how to actually compete.

Pincer definitions


a hand tool for holding consisting of a compound lever for grasping

See also: tweezer


a grasping structure on the limb of a crustacean or other arthropods

See also: claw chela nipper