Trollop in a sentence as a noun

I haven't needed it in a long time, but I still think trollop for ruby is magical.

I like trollop; it's a single file you can drop into your project and it makes the common case easy

Rolling Stone and Drudge would require better sourcing to print such vacuous trollop.

Issuing voice commands to some trollop in the cloud should be no basis for a system of oligarchy...

Maybe some of it is also due to Ruby itself ?If you don't know wmorgan, he's the one who created trollop and the leveldb-ruby gem.

From the link to the artist's website:"Things get strange: A photograph of a woman smiling in a bikini is labeled a “slattern, ****, slovenly woman, trollop.” A young man drinking beer is categorized as an “alcoholic, alky, dipsomaniac, boozer, lush, soaker, souse.” A child wearing sunglasses is classified as a “failure, loser, non-starter, unsuccessful person.” You’re looking at the “person” category in a dataset called ImageNet, one of the most widely used training sets for machine learning.

Trollop definitions


a dirty untidy woman

See also: slattern slut


a woman adulterer

See also: adulteress fornicatress hussy jade slut strumpet