Hussy in a sentence as a noun

You have betrayed me for some harlot, some vain and pouting hussy with painted lips and a knowing smile!”I, Madam?

"But Hounoured Mulla - I have no idea how those decadent pictures of those shameless hussys Palin and Widecombe appeared on my PC"

There were also log files that indicated that Doe had visited groups titled: “toddler_cp,” “lolicam,” “hussy,” “child models – girls,” “pedomom,” “tor- childporn,” and “pthc,” terms that are commonly used in child exploitation....

This is likely why this article talks about everyone focusing on her statements about affairs with married men: The real issue was "That hussy thinks women should actually have orgasms and, worse, personal agency.

There were also log files that indicated that Doe had visited groups titled: “toddler_cp,” “lolicam,” “hussy,” “child models – girls,” “pedomom,” “tor- childporn,” and “pthc,” terms that are commonly used in child exploitation.> The exam also found that Freenet, the peer-to-peer file sharing program used by Doe to obtain child pornography from other users, had been installed within the virtual machine.

Hussy definitions


a woman adulterer

See also: adulteress fornicatress jade slut strumpet trollop