Traitor in a sentence as a noun

"Is Snowden a hero or a traitor? Stay tuned if you can only hold one simplistic juvenile idea in your head at a time."

"And swine is good Saxon," said the Jester; "but how call you the sow when she is flayed, and drawn, and quartered, and hung up by the heels, like a traitor?" "Pork," answered the swine-herd."

So, in summary, the difference between a patriot and a traitor is just PR. Pun intended.

Very effective too "Being called a traitor by Dick Cheney is the highest honor you can give an American"

Who needs to call him a traitor, only Obama? Is that your interpretation of Juan Cole's "governmental class"?

They put a real time breaks on internal abuse; many times before pulling the trigger those in charge ask themselves: "damn what if another 'traitor' will leak this out and my name [and crimes] will come to the light?" .

I do agree, however, that the 2001 film Enigma was an utter piece of **** that depicted "Turing" as straight and a Pole as a traitor.

And yeah I've been called a gender traitor by the SJW idiots because I don't agree with their idea that feminism = females.

Here they bring in one side of the story for a secret Powerpoint presentation, no doubt with a high degree of spin to it, and publicly call Snowden a traitor. Then they complain that nobody shows up.

Another thing is the wording - Andreessen says Snowden's a traitor by the basic definition, in which he stole national secrets and gave them to our enemies. That is a consequence of his disclosures.

I'm not a good person to argue with about Snowden's status as a traitor or a spy, because I don't think he is one either. As for the rest of your comment: I find it frustrating the extent to which Europeans seem to believe that their own governments aren't spying on them.

I also think Andreesen is dead-wrong to call Snowden a traitor. One of the most essential principles of having a free and open society is having a government which is transparent, and which is accountable to We The People.

I only knew about this interview because Congressman Pompeo asked conference organizers to rescind their invitation to him on the grounds that Snowden is a "traitor"[0]. I can't watch this right now, but I'm looking forward to seeing it later tonight.

I believe in Free Software so much that I will use nothing else, and publicly and harshly declare that anyone doing otherwise is a moron and a traitor to the future of humanity"? Anyone who is willing to sacrifice the usefulness of the last 30 years of proprietary tech to make a point has to be a bit barmy.

According to the government, Snowden is a traitor. According to many frequent HN readers, the government is completely out of the control. Neither of these claims is true, but they are difficult to get past. Although Snowden is certainly not a traitor, the accusation is serious.

I would not under almost any circumstances, including the revelation that he was working directly with the FSB† when he decided what to leak, use the word "traitor" to describe a national security leaker. In addition to being inaccurate, the word sucks all the oxygen out of the room and makes it impossible to have a dispassionate discussion about what happened.

The saddest part of the story is that there are two quotes, one from a democrat and one from a republican, and both are falling all over themselves in a rush to brand a whistleblower as a traitor. The second saddest part of the story is that the person responsible for securing the biggest DWH of all time freely admits that they have no protection against rogue sysadmins, most of whom don't even work for the NSA.

I find it interesting that the entire debate has shifted from US surveillance to be about what is happening to Snowden and whether he is/isn't a traitor and now even about Ecuador and how they do/don't protect their citizens. Personally, as a non-US citizen outside the US, I feel incredibly uncomfortable that the US govt spies on me and everything I do online as much as it can.

Proper Noun Examples for Traitor

His reasons for saying Snowden is a traitor boils down to "it's harder to sell stuff overseas now" which boils down to "I'm making less money because of him, therefore I don't like what he did, therefore I choose disapproving label from choices of "Hero" and "Traitor"." He even spells out that logic in his comment.

Traitor definitions


someone who betrays his country by committing treason

See also: treasonist


a person who says one thing and does another

See also: double-crosser double-dealer two-timer betrayer