Joule in a sentence as a noun

Oil is a stonking great deal; you put in one joule and get something like 10 to 30 back.

Applying a force of one Newton through a distance of one metre is one joule of energy.

The effect of adding weight is relevant because batteries weigh almost 500 times as much per joule as fuel does.

Coming up with the total joules available, versus the joules harvested?

The obvious hacker markets are password cracking and bitcoin mining, the coins per joule might be a game changer.

Every joule of energy it spends doing this is a joule it doesn't spend enriching the ecosystem it is a part of.

The cost of energy from an electric aircraft in $/joule could be higher than that of a fueled one because you're introducing an additional energy conversion.

As you know Shannon was interested in absolute limits to the amount of information in a channel and Feynman was more about the amount of computation per joule of energy.

Has there been any analysis on the amount of joule energy pumped out of all of the current gas stations on a daily basis?I'm worried the current electric grid is woefully insufficient for a world full of electric cars.

Joule definitions


a unit of electrical energy equal to the work done when a current of one ampere passes through a resistance of one ohm for one second


English physicist who established the mechanical theory of heat and discovered the first law of thermodynamics (1818-1889)

See also: Joule