Totalistic in a sentence as an adjective

Biology is not a field of study for people who like absolutisms and totalistic models of things. It will disabuse you of those notions real fast if you study it with open eyes.

I'm just skeptical of excessively dogmatic and totalistic pretensions to certainty. Science is hard.

I can't help but see this as the formula of a new dark age of totalistic orthodoxy and immovable dogmas. The last dark age was built on self-enforcement of social norms as dictated by religious orthodoxy.

Secure" standards like cert-pinning favor giant companies & totalistic visions of security, taking from computing the person & personal. cert-pinning is a good layer of defense, but it takes away user affordances that must be added back.

Corporation -> mega-powerful totalistic corporation -> nation state. To become a government requires that the corp evolve new traits like a national mythology, the adoption of governmental function and ritual, and a support base in the general population.

At the end of the day, even if the state mandates something, if their ability to enforce such mandate is not totalistic, organizations and individuals will find ways around to achieve their goals with the freedom they give themselves.

This totalistic capture of big tech over employee lifestyles mirrors what these companies are also seeking to do at the marketplace. When a company manages not only the technological needs of their customers, but everything from entertainment, to healthcare, to home security, to shopping, logistics, and everything else, then they set themselves up to be veritable empires.

Totalistic definitions


of or relating to the principles of totalitarianism according to which the state regulates every realm of life; "totalitarian theory and practice"; "operating in a totalistic fashion"

See also: totalitarian