Tolerance in a sentence as a noun

With some tolerance of course, these bricks aren't very straight.

I have zero tolerance for responses along the lines of "because I said so, just do it.

"I've got just about zero tolerance left for people who don't acknowledge their privilege.

Theyre showing that they really dont have much solid to fight you with except their loudly stated tolerance for pain.

Choose two." [2]Furthermore, you have to choose partition tolerance [3].

The high is minimal, tolerance builds rapidly, and it's dangerous.

Talking about tens of thousandths of an inch tolerances on a 10' diameter tube is not to be dismissed lightly.

The immediate thing that sticks out to me in this proposal are the tight mechanical tolerances that have to be maintained.

Not just Theo, but he has set the bar quite low when it comes to friendliness and tolerance of questions from younger/less experienced contributors.

"Zero tolerance" is essentially a legitimate sounding way to reject "Let the punishment fit the crime.

I think HN has a very low tolerance for ********, no matter what your background or situation is. If you had a tech co-founder, then parted ways with them before getting funding, then advertise yourself has being solo with no co-founder people are going to call you on it.

But can we build a multi-hundred mile long steel tube to the required tolerances?I would be inclined to trade off efficiency for manufacturability.

Their cognitive nature is considered rigid and prone to social intolerance, and they are fascinated by weapons, war, and infamous crimes or perpetrators of atrocities.

People love to talk about tolerance except when tolerance means they have to deal with people who were raised with fundamentally different views, or people who may even have the same views they did a decade ago but failed to "evolve.

There's nothing surprising about the German tolerance of the US military bases, considering that they do nothing whatsoever to interfere with our lives or inconvenience us in any way, but do provide quite a lot of jobs.

More than anything else, this describes an appalling failure at every level of the company's technical infrastructure to ensure even a basic degree of engineering rigor and fault tolerance.

I can tell you, unequivocally, that the users of our product have a distinct lack of tolerance with regard to "lack of attention to detail".We've had a debug message or two slip through to production, and the conversation that follows is never comfortable.

If the study is correct, take one group of people who use diet soft drinks with an overall healthy diet and compare it to another group of people who consume the same overall healthy diet but drink water instead of diet soft drinks, and the group that drinks water should have a better glucose tolerance response than the diet soft drink group.

Tolerance definitions


the power or capacity of an organism to tolerate unfavorable environmental conditions


a disposition to allow freedom of choice and behavior

See also: permissiveness


the act of tolerating something


willingness to recognize and respect the beliefs or practices of others


a permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits

See also: allowance leeway margin