Partition in a sentence as a noun

You could not have a disk partitioned for both DOS/Win and BSD.

Best of all, DOS would only read the partition table on boot.

I had found a program on some local BBS that could resize a hard disk partition.

So, instead, we take the training set, and partition it up into 2 parts, lets call them A and B.

Choose two." [2]Furthermore, you have to choose partition tolerance [3].

It's the biggest single-part speed upgrade I've seen since the 90s. Even just a small on for a system partition, and data kept on a traditional HDD, you'll see great gains.

I then googled for the partition of, say, 1034, which is: 91363785902248291467082481888195 I figured that chances are that no website will have that integer on there by accident.

Partition in a sentence as a verb

Soon I had a command-line executable that would hide or unhide my private partition with a single command.

The windows API doesn't allow you to create a file with that name and Flame accomplishes this by opening the disk as a raw device and directly writing to the FAT partition.

This system was not partition-tolerant; if the mysql link between datacenters failed, one DC would become functionally read-only.

With Norton DiskEdit, I figured out how to manipulate the partition table manually, setting the partition type to a null value so that DOS wouldn't see it.

One way to do this is to build any algorithmic feature selection into your process after the point you partition into A and B, during cross validation.

Is the partition function for the microcanonical ensemble, and it corresponds to the number of quantum states available to a system.

Yes it is.- "So the CAP theorem is historically irrelevant to relational databases: they're good at providing consistency, and they have been adapted to provide high availability with some success, but they are hard to partition without extreme effort or extreme cost.

Partition definitions


a vertical structure that divides or separates (as a wall divides one room from another)

See also: divider


(computer science) the part of a hard disk that is dedicated to a particular operating system or application and accessed as a single unit


(anatomy) a structure that separates areas in an organism


the act of dividing or partitioning; separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart

See also: division partitioning segmentation sectionalization sectionalisation


divide into parts, pieces, or sections; "The Arab peninsula was partitioned by the British"


separate or apportion into sections; "partition a room off"

See also: zone