Thingamajig in a sentence as a noun

"checkout" is not a verb, but a thingamajig.

I programmed in basic on an old IBM dual-floppy thingamajig in like 1999 or something.

Netflix isn't to blame when my Internets keep getting stuck in the tubes, they're just taking a wrong turn through that beam-splitter thingamajig.

Usually after I run smack into it and start asking along the lines of "it's as if such-and-such is blocking thingamajig".

Imagine how much further ahead astronomers would be in 2044 if they had discovered thingamajig back in 2014 instead of 2040!

There's some issue with the thingamajig that we deployed before you left, urgent fixed required or the universe will ... be okay really; but could you please look into this ?

I foresee a social-media thingamajig that lets you stay with friends [of friends]*, and the stayovers being arranged similar to how linkedin introductions work.

Just write a Ruby whatchamacallit or a Python thingamajig or a PHP flibbedyfloo and log it to your MySQL database or your Postgres database or your no-sql nuh-uh-it's-not-a-database.

This device will make him get up such that he has enough time to get into the office and be a good employee in the eyes of his boss".Closer to home, hacker news is not a visually desaturated lisp-coded online forum thingamajig, hacker news is a place for tech/business hackers to meet and talk shop.

Thingamajig definitions


something unspecified whose name is either forgotten or not known; "she eased the ball-shaped doodad back into its socket"; "there may be some great new gizmo around the corner that you will want to use"

See also: doodad doohickey doojigger gimmick gizmo gismo gubbins thingamabob thingumabob thingmabob thingumajig