Urgent in a sentence as an adjective

Not to mention, she brings him printouts of the urgent e-mails.

Why is it that anyone with any kind of money that needs urgent care comes to the US?

"Rule 3: "We need to stay focused on the most urgent issues, like things that will hurt us in the next 24-48 hours.

My PM is on vacation this week and I've had to partially fill in. I have been getting frantic urgent emails from roughly 7 am till 1 am.

Sure, they probably all have a sense that Yahoo isn't on a great trajectory, but they have no urgent need to leave.

This makes it more urgent to try new ideas, generating more innovation and more fresh content.

* Oh, during that job, worked at an urgent care on the weekends: sterile "doctor's office" with a desk and computer.

Unfortunately your first email to the person went straight into offensive mode, was personal, impassioned and appears urgent.

Says:"We are intensifying our efforts on our core businesses and redeploying resources to our most urgent priorities.

Also, if there are a hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands of people using the project without a problem, and you're the first person to report an issue, chances are your issue is not that urgent.

I would take Dawkins' earnest, educated, rational and well-meaning brand of urgent atheism over fundamentalist religion any day.

Urgent definitions


compelling immediate action; "too pressing to permit of longer delay"; "the urgent words `Hurry! Hurry!'"; "bridges in urgent need of repair"

See also: pressing