Thin in a sentence as a verb

Thick frames rather than a thin rim around the front surface.

Indiegogo would charge ~7% for the same thing.

I think there's a real issue here and that's one of sustainable pricing.

Some used would think, oh no another crappy sofa-bed mat.

One thing that I can say though: the size of the company didn't seem to have much to do with it.

There could be an awful lot of days where you don't want to get out of bed, you don't want to do anything.

It is naked extortion covered by a thin veneer of lawyering.

Do they really deserve a patent on thin rectangular things?

That said, such activities cannot be the only things that define our goals in life, nor should they be.

If you fail to do that, you have learned absolutely nothing from my experience in the past 22 years.

Amazon is running razor thin on its profits to be popular.

Even if you're a good company trying to do positive things, seeing what others are doing makes you better.

My daughter, who is about to turn one, is puzzled by why my Macbook Air doesn't do anything when she touches the screen.

I believe that no guilt or stigma should attach to ventures doing legal things just because they don't set out to solve World Problems.

Thin in a sentence as an adjective

"When Soviet Union fell, we found out everything they told us about Communism was a lie.

She doesn't recognize my dad's old Treo, which he gave her as a toy, as a phone, but will put a thin slab block up to her ear. We don't have cable at home, so she watches all her shows on Netflix and iTunes.

Amazon gets to do something bold that would cause the mother of all stock dives in any other 100+Bn company.

They stretched propaganda vs reality difference too thin.

The changes to privacy policies are the sort of thing hackers love to gripe about, but don't actually matter much.

Others can and do like to share things with people of varying degrees of relationship to them and more power to them for liking to do this.

In some ways, we might see a company like Amazon as winning by providing things cheaper in a way that's good for consumers.

The thing that leapt out at me the most strongly from this article is how none of the laundry startups appear to actually do any laundry.

Again and again we see questionable or outright illegal police shootings of dogs and people and nothing ever comes of it.

I can do such things via a profit-making venture or I can make my money on other things and then use it to advance higher goals through giving.

Like any anti-Google post lately, this one has been reflexively upvoted, but if you look at his reasons for not loving Google, they're pretty thin.

Iterated, both become games of making choices, often with no idea what good and bad choices are, because useful information is so thin on the ground.

Then, despite the fact that bicycles have existed for a hundred years, they got patents on things like "using levers to shift" and "building a frame out of tube-like structures".

Invariably, there are months of "last calls" and inactivity, only to have someone call a "wait, we need to do this" at the last minute that pulls everything back.

Thin in a sentence as an adverb

Some of their investments created out of thin air industries that contribute absolutely nothing to, and in many cases even detract from, society.

Amazon is playing with razor thin margins while trying to scale up a platform to end all platforms that we might someday use for everything without thinking about it.

I want to support the police, but the thin blue line ******** has to stop!I get that police work is often dangerous but individuals that have shown poor judgement are retained on the force.

Life has enough problems without having someone of a judgmental spirit continually taking us to task for wanting to have some fun as well or for trying to promote fun things for others.

And everything they told us about America was true".Good counter-propaganda after all, is often not telling lies just telling the dark truth the other side is trying to hide.

Also, without an ability to get access to alternative media and if Fox was the only channel available many would still thing this country was God's gift to humanity.

While I like the sentiment here, I think the danger is that engineers might come to the mistaken conclusion that making pizzas is the primary limiting reagent to running a successful pizzeria.

Whatever the flaws associated with individual people or companies in such an industry, there is nothing whatever wrong with those who devoted their money and their efforts to making all this possible.

I am the first to say "bravo" to those who do not sit resigned to accept all these destructive elements in life but who instead spur themselves to do something to help make things better not just for themselves but for the broader society too.

But to be honest, we've never had a return for it being too thin.>> the fact that is made of foam only makes it worse as with that thickness it will unavoidable deform with usageOur foam should last 5-7 years before there is any deformity/compression.

The only way this change affects me personally is that it gives me one less thing to go in and switch off when I install a new Ubuntu system, but I'm glad they've got a pragmatic attitude toward the possibility of spreading themselves too thin.

First there's quality-control: the #1 thing that's going to wreck your relationship with a laundry customer is if you mess up their clothes, and if all the clothes-handling is outsourced, how much can you do to prevent that from happening?And second, if all the value you bring to the table is a thin layer of code over someone else's service, at some point that someone else will just write their own app and cut out the middleman.

Thin definitions


lose thickness; become thin or thinner


make thin or thinner; "Thin the solution"


lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture; "cut bourbon"

See also: dilute reduce


take off weight

See also: reduce slim slenderize


of relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section; "thin wire"; "a thin chiffon blouse"; "a thin book"; "a thin layer of paint"


lacking excess flesh; "you can't be too rich or too thin"; "Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look"-Shakespeare

See also: lean


very narrow; "a thin line across the page"

See also: slender


not dense; "a thin beard"; "trees were sparse"

See also: sparse


relatively thin in consistency or low in density; not viscous; "air is thin at high altitudes"; "a thin soup"; "skimmed milk is much thinner than whole milk"; "thin oil"


(of sound) lacking resonance or volume; "a thin feeble cry"


lacking spirit or sincere effort; "a thin smile"


lacking substance or significance; "slight evidence"; "a tenuous argument"; "a thin plot"; a fragile claim to fame"

See also: flimsy fragile slight tenuous


without viscosity; "the blood was flowing thin"

See also: thinly