Theatre in a sentence as a noun

This is the first time I've heard someone on HN actually ask for more security theatre.

You could charge someone to see a movie in a theatre when doing so was the only way to see the movie.

Restrictions like forcing restaurants not to put water on the table are conservation theatre.

I went to a theatre conservatory in NYC and was constantly assaulted by the drumbeat of "50% attrition rate!

I landed my first off-broadway gig a couple months later, then a film, then I co-founded a theatre company that turned a profit on our first off-off-broadway show.

While folks talk about blimps and what not there is value to having "permanent" points of presence in the air above, be it a communications node, surveillance node, or early warning theatre defence.

The news that he was dismissed from the committee makes me think the TSA is much less interested in actual security than in their own appearance, which fits the definition of security theatre very well.

As long as they've got guys randomly swabbing old folks' palms to test for bomb-making materials, and all of the other ridiculous trespasses on personal dignity that comprise their much maligned "security theatre," I won't be flying.

So you go to a 48-fps movie for the first time, and now your brain, sitting in a theatre, smelling the popcorn, watching the corny premovie trivia stuff, flicks in its standard "movie filter", but, alas, oh no, now a 24-fps filter is being fed a 48-fps signal!

Theatre definitions


a building where theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presented; "the house was full"

See also: theater house


the art of writing and producing plays

See also: dramaturgy dramatics theater


a region in which active military operations are in progress; "the army was in the field awaiting action"; "he served in the Vietnam theater for three years"

See also: field theater