Sympathiser in a sentence as a noun

No criticism of the NSA either... he must be a sympathiser.

I'm very familiar with the theme of Wolf3D, but I think this guy is an actual **** sympathiser.

We know that being a Roman or Viking sympathiser is acceptable 1500 years later.

Needless to say there is little nuance to any of the smears, it's all just claims of "terrorist sympathiser" or "he's just sexist too".

Is he the worst traitor and terrorist sympathiser the world has ever known or is he simply a confused data janitor?

Your comment has been noted for posterity as "arrested criminal sympathiser"

As a conservative voting Brit, Thatcherite and Reagan admirer, you'd think I would be a natural republican sympathiser.

He was painted as a Communist sympathiser and publicly humiliated over this, as the book "American Prometheus" details at length.

He's not a communist sympathiser, he's closer to being an American patriot who has done something his government may disagree with because he wants his country to be better.

Sympathiser definitions


commiserates with someone who has had misfortune

See also: sympathizer comforter


someone who shares your feelings or opinions and hopes that you will be successful

See also: sympathizer well-wisher