Sympathizer in a sentence as a noun

* what if the new CEO was a neo-**** sympathizer?

"Ayn Rand supporter" is the new "communist sympathizer" or "pinko.

When he watched Westerns, Bunten was an Indian sympathizer: It just seems like such a neat, romantic culture, in tune with the earth.

Not a single sympathizer with the OP?Kindle books have truly terrible formatting and editing in general.

Being morally outraged over Bradley Manning puts you in the same shoes as a Taliban sympathizer because not only was Manning a soldier, sworn to uphold the Constitution, the lives of his fellow soldiers, allies and others were in his hands.

" She also stated that she believed her mother and the "Somerton Man" may have both been Russian spies, noting that her mother was a communist sympathizer and could speak Russian although she would not disclose to her daughter where she had learned it or why.

Sympathizer definitions


commiserates with someone who has had misfortune

See also: sympathiser comforter


someone who shares your feelings or opinions and hopes that you will be successful

See also: sympathiser well-wisher