Posterity in a sentence as a noun

For posterity's sake, here are the sequence of events.

You can also leave messages for posterity in the blockchain.

To me it will always be spelled "Brøderbund"... if only because of all the time I spent as a kid staring at loading screens with that slashed-o name on them :-DGlad to see this stuff getting preserved for posterity.

If two people need to push and pull from a repo... Well, this is no longer an archive for posterity, this is an active project, and can the team really not afford to pay Github something like $5 per month per repo?

Given that Bitcoin records all transactions for posterity, and given the ongoing rise of "big data" analytics, I'd say Bitcoin is likely to be harder, in the long run, to use for shenanigans.

Lehurmann's comment on MacBasic here for has some interesting musings about the importance of personal programming and has a Steve Jobs cameo to boot:> Andy gets this sad tale right.

I don't understand this use case:These projects are mainly side projects, or small freelance jobs I've done through the years, and I want to save them for posterity; who knows when I'll need them, right?My solution to this problem is called tar.

We used to use them to get Japanese folks US bank accounts because their Know Your Customer policy was so incredibly... Never mind, I understand how the bad guys figured it out now.[Edit for posterity: You could open a brokerage account from anywhere with minimal documentation.

Posterity definitions


all of the offspring of a given progenitor; "we must secure the benefits of freedom for ourselves and our posterity"

See also: descendants


all future generations